Weather Information

Update 1.10.2025 at 9:00 am
Our office will remained closed for the entirety of Friday, 1.10.2025. If you have not been contacted by us already, please call to reschedule your appointments. Again, we have limited ability to take multiple simultaneous calls; therefore, if you do not get your called answered, please let a voicemail, and we will contact you to reschedule.

Update 1.9.2025 at 11:00 am
Our office will be closed starting at 12pm today, 1.9.2025. We will remained closed Friday morning, 1.10.2025, from 8AM-12PM. If you have an appointment Thursday afternoon or Friday morning, you should have been contacted already to reschedule.
We will make a determination on our Friday afternoon appointments by 9AM on Friday 1.10.2025. If you need to reschedule, please contact our office at 972.712.5100. We will have limited phone capacity the rest of this day; therefore, leave a voicemail if you do not get a hold of anyone, and we will contact you later to reschedule.

Update 1.8.2025 at 4:00 pm

As of this time, we will be open on Thursday morning, 1.9.2025. All appointments for the afternoon of 1.9.2025 have been rescheduled. We will provide more information regarding Friday 1.10.2025 appointments late Thursday morning, as we evaluate the impact of the incoming winter weather system.

We additionally should be available by phone at our normal number 972.712.5100 during our normal business hours.